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my sacred journey

Arrive Organic was birthed from my own sacred journey through dark times.  As I travelled through my turbulent waters, I discovered the potent healing powers of Ceremonial Cacao, plant medicines, ceremony and ritual.


It was in the divine daily moments of ceremony and union with myself and Mother Cacao that my mind started to quieten, and my heart began to take lead. Through play and intuition, I began weaving a tapestry of plant magic and intentions, alchemising my own Sacred Blends as a medicine that helped support, guide and navigate heavy emotions and my over-active mind.


By slowing down into stillness and opening myself to receive the guidance of Mother Cacao and my intuitively crafted blends, I learnt to embody surrender and trust. I learnt to hold myself in fragility. I learnt to find sacredness in the tiny moments. I learnt to soothe myself and stitch my wounds with love and self-compassion. I learnt to embody the innate wisdom and medicine that I hold within.


I emerged from the darkness and found love for myself and others, seeing possibility, light, beauty and hope in the world again.


My Sacred Blends have been a gift from my own journey through suffering and now my pain has transcended into passion and purpose.


My heart calls to invite you to ignite your curiosity....


What could be possible for you if you travelled the paths within, returning to your true essence and leading life from the heart?


Enjoy your journey dear one.


Sarah  xx

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