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Create your sacred ceremony

Cultivating a sacred ceremony is a beautiful way to deepen the connection with yourself and others. If you are new to creating a ritual with Ceremonial Cacao, remember that there is no right or wrong way to create a sacred moment. 


The mind and your Ego may speak loudly at times...

Surrender, trust and allow your heart to take lead.

Image by michal dziekonski


Create your sacred space

This is very individual to you. What do you find sacred? Candles, scents, music could be beautiful infusions to your environment. Burning Sage or Palo Santo can help to clear stagnant energy and invite peace and harmony into your space.


Take a moment to Arrive.

Land in the place you are, bringing focus to your breath. Notice your IN breath. Notice your OUT breath. Take a moment to feel into your body and mind; a beautiful opportunity to ask your sacred vessel "How am I feeling? What am I needing in this moment?".

Image by Darius Bashar


Set your intention & select your Sacred Blend

Each blend has been infused with plant magic that have distinctly different energies and intentions. Feel into and select the blend that will best support and align with your intentions.


Mindfully prepare your cacao

As you melt your cacao over gentle heat, gift 1-2 teaspoons of your Arrive Organic Sacred Blend per serve of 200-250ml cacao. Add the sweetness you desire. Blend or whisk (optional) and pour into your favourite cup or mug.

Image by Sigmund
Image by Annie Spratt


Enjoy your journey

Breathe, sip and receive the magic of Mother cacao, Sacred Blends and your intentions. Honour any emotions that arise, allowing them to flow through. Journaling and movement such as yoga, or dance can be beautiful way to do this.

create your sacred journey...

These sacred treasures could be the start of something new for you... 

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